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Kenya: KenGen’s Geothermal Spa Re-Opens, A Welcome Alternative to Mombasa and Maasai Mara

The African giant baboons’ family in Olkaria have never been dispirited by the trellis purposely built to blend with the environment and stave off wild animals at the geothermal metropolis. They troop past the steaming blue waters in their numbers undeterred, watching, and playfully teasing their primate cousins - Humans – as they play in the 45 degrees heated water, literally sweltering their skins away.

To the monkeys, this is simply a path, a route that leads them to food, water, and playgrounds. It is a road that has been used by them and their ancestors for ages. Over the years, they have watched one geothermal manifestation after another come to fore after years of hiding underground. The Spa to them might just pass for another big steam bursting from under the earth’s crust. They have watched the area grow from a dirty, dusty, seemingly abandoned wilderness to its current glory. And they have grown with it.

Here perhaps paints a perfect picture of the co-existence between man, animal, and machine. Welcome to the KenGen geothermal recreational health spa. The only one of its kind in Africa!

The Spa had temporarily been closed at the height of COVID-19 restrictions but is now open for business. It was opened after a thorough assessment by Ministry of Health and Nakuru County Government Health Officials who gave the facility a clean bill of health to resume operations under strict compliance with the COVID-19 preventive measures.

“I encourage members of the public visiting our Geothermal Spa to observe all COVID-19 protocols as you enjoy this natural resource that is unique not only in Kenya but in the entire African continent,” said KenGen Managing Director and CEO Mrs. Rebecca Miano.

KenGen's Peketsa Mangi, one of the brains behind the Spa cannot hide his excitement when he is asked about the geothermal leisure centre or direct use and demonstration centre as it is popularly known in Olkaria, Naivasha where it is situated. “This is the first of its kind in Africa. The only other one I know of, is in Iceland,” he offers.

A brainchild of KenGen, this facility was born out of the need to explore other uses of geothermal energy. Basically, once steam has been used for electricity generation, the by-product is channelled to a series of cascading blue lagoons created from the geothermal brine to form a natural spa where the water is put to good use.

According to Mangi, other than the obvious aesthetic addition, the leisure centre adds value to Hell’s Gate National Park by providing tourists with additional relaxation activities to engage in. “The Park will not just be about game drives anymore,” he renders adding, “it now also provides other exciting and environment friendly activities for tourists.”

Before the COVID-19 pandemic set in, the centre attracted hundreds of visitors each week. During occasions like Easter Holidays, close to 800 visitors would throng the site.

One of the factors that has made the Spa quickly famous over the six years of its existence is its medicinal value. According to Mangi, the hot brine contains antibacterial chemicals that heal skin diseases and rushes like psoriasis. The brine contains Sulphur which is otherwise referred to as the body’s beautifying mineral. But this is yet to undergo any authentic scientific tests and analysis to confidently licentiate it.

The facility when fully operational will consist of various elements which include the lagoons [pools], a spa, steam room, sauna, conference facilities and cottages.

The decision to set up the leisure centre was informed by the fact that KenGen’s geothermal power plants are in a national park which attracts tourists. Also its close proximity to Nairobi makes it an alternative attraction to other tourist destinations like the Mara, Serengeti, and even Mombasa. One can easily access the Spa from Nairobi and those who wish to can travel back the same day, but why would you?

The facility also has a demonstration room with an excellent facility for conferences and workshops. Staff and visitors can enjoy a fully-fledged conference centre, two demonstration rooms, a hall, sheds and tents along the swimming pool.

Moving forward KenGen intends to diversify and explore other direct uses of geothermal resources including greenhouse heating, fish farming, and industrial extraction of minerals among others.

In the meantime, here is your cure to cabin fever, Twende Naivasha Geothermal Spa

By Frank David: Chief Communications Officer at Kenya Electricity Generating Company [KenGen]

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